SAT Reviews by Our Students

Recent SAT Student Testimonials

Davis J.- SAT Online Private Tutoring (Online; based in Lancaster, South Carolina)

I have been meaning to email to let you all know how much better Davis did on the SAT with Ted's help. I believe Davis already reached out to you Ted but I wanted to reach out also. His score went up 90 points and he easily made high enough to be awarded South Carolina's lottery scholarship. He really enjoyed working with Ted and it was definitely worth the investment. I would definitely recommend your services to anyone wanting to improved on their SAT. Thanks again!


Paul O. - SAT Private Tutoring (Online; Based in Orlando, Florida)

First of all, I want to thank you for your excellent support in helping Paul achieve the SAT score that he wanted and needed! Paul is very happy with his performance and score, so thank you. By the way, I will be referring you to others (if that is fine with you).


Alex L. - SAT Private Course (Houston, Texas)

Alex just told me his score on the SAT and I wanted to report back to you that he received a 1420. I am thrilled. That is a 120 point increase from the last test. The interesting thing is that his score was split evenly with a 710 on math and a 710 on reading. When he got a 1300, his score was split evenly as well.Thank you for working with him for 6 hours. I know it was not a lot of tutoring time but feel that it made a difference for him. I also think he could score higher with more work but he is unwilling so I will be happy with a 1420. Thank you again. You are a great tutor! Merry Christmas to you and your family!


Chelsea - SAT Prep

I wanted to thank you for teaching my class and being such a dedicated instructor. When I first started studying for the SAT I was doing it from complete scratch. Our class helped me figure out how to break down problems into commonly found concepts and to quickly do the computation to answer them (by, for example, factoring). I took the SAT this past Saturday and scored much higher than I had originally hoped for when I started studying. I know your going the extra mile to help, both in tutoring and in class, really made a difference to my score. - Chelsea

SAT Student Review (Ann Arbor | Michigan)

The SAT lessons are well-structured. The presentation SAT session is very helpful. The SAT tutor, John is very friendly and responsive to students’ questions.


SAT Student Review (Atlanta | Georgia)

I would rate both this SAT course and the SAT instructor as excellent, a 5 out of 5. I found my SAT instructor very effective. All topics & material were well-covered. The SAT course material was excellent as well. So is your administrative support. I would rate my instructor in each area as follows: Clarity: 5 (excellent); Speaking Volume: 5 (excellent); Teaching Ability: 5 (excellent); Knowledge of Subject: 5 (excellent); Responsiveness to Questions: 5 (excellent); Accuracy: 5 (excellent); Facilitation of Discussion: 5 (excellent). I chose Manhattan Elite Prep over your competitors based on your SAT curriculum.


SAT Student Review (Austin | Texas)

Manhattan Elite Prep's SAT Course helped me develop good SAT test taking strategies. I developed new SAT skills and feel more prepared.


SAT Student Review (Baltimore | Maryland)

Effective SAT tutoring! All my questions were well-answered by Marc, and he prepared additional SAT material that was useful in improving my skills as well. Marc always remained very patient, even when I messed up more than a couple of times. The best part of Manhattan Elite Prep is their articulate and patient SAT tutors.


SAT Student Review (Boston)

I haven't actually taken my SAT yet, but in my practice SAT tests my score has gone up with about 150 points! If it wasn't for Kara, I would have never achieved this. Overall I would rate my SAT test preparation with Manhattan Elite Prep as excellent. All SAT topics and material were well-covered. The course material and the administrative support were great. I was impressed with Kara's SAT teaching ability, preparedness, her knowledge of the subjects, her responsiveness to my questions and her accuracy. I chose Manhattan Elite Prep because of their reputation.


SAT Student Review (Charlotte | North Carolina)

Jeff, my SAT instructor, was able to break down difficult material. I was able to destruct and master the basic things I would need to get a good score on the SAT.


SAT Student Review (Chicago | Illinois)

Kristina was my tutor for SAT private tutoring and she was very good! She tried very hard to make the SAT questions clear to me.


SAT Student Review (Cincinnati | Ohio)

The SAT course was really effective and I would suggest your SAT courses to anyone who is having trouble with SAT.

-A student from our SAT Preparation Class

SAT Student Review (College Park | Maryland)

I am doing very well. Craig is a great SAT tutor, I really like the SAT sessions.

- A student from our SAT Preparation course

SAT Student Review (Columbus | Ohio)

Overall, I would rate this SAT course a 4/5 meaning very good! All SAT topics and material were well-covered . The SAT course material was excellent.


SAT Student Review (Dallas | Texas)

Susan is great! She is able to involve all the participants. She is clear, and she always keeps the attention of the SAT class.


SAT Student Review (Denver | Colorado)

The SAT course was a great retouch of my English skills. Susan, my SAT instructor, was very energetic and friendly.


SAT Student Review (Hartford | Connecticut)

My SAT instructor's walkthrough of the problems are the best. I also liked the SAT strategies he gave. It helped me improve my verbal SAT and math SAT scores!


SAT Student Review (Houston | Texas)

I would rate my SAT preparation with Manhattan Elite Prep as very good. My sessions with Lucy, my SAT instructor, were very well organized with very flexible timings. What made me choose Manhattan Elite Prep over their competitors were their SAT instructor.


SAT Student Review (Indianapolis | Indiana)

Kara helped me prepare for the SAT test and it helped a lot! As an international student, I had to get used to the format of the SAT test, especially the SAT essay section. I also received many good tips on the critical SAT reading sections and the SAT writing sections. Abraham was also a great help organizing the SAT sessions with Kara. Thanks a lot.


SAT Student Review (Irvine | California)

Angus was the best SAT instructor, he has given me confidence and SAT tips to do well. He has provided me with great SAT tutoring.


SAT Student Review (Jacksonville | Florida)

Jeff, my SAT instructor, is very clear when explaining. The SAT course was very helpful in my quest for a great SAT score!


SAT Student Review (Kansas City | Missouri)

Lindsay, my SAT instructor, was very helpful and friendly and I enjoyed learning from him.


SAT Student Review (Las Vegas | Nevada)

So far I've had one session with Lindsay, my SAT instructor, and I am incredibly impressed. I am sure that by working with him, I will be able to achieve my SAT goals, and feel satisfied with my performance on the SATs. Thank you for your help!


SAT Student Review (Los Angeles | California)

From my perspective, Samuel, my daughter's SAT instructor, was prompt, prepared, and professional. I was very pleased with his work in tutoring Genesa. Her SAT math score improved from 610 to 660. Thank you!


SAT Student Review (Louisville | Kentucky)

I had to prepare for the SAT, and Cynthia was great help. She gave me strategies that helped me answer questions much faster since its a timed test. Reading questions that were very confusing, she broke them down for me, and after using that trick, the questions became so easy. Of course I had to do most of the work on my own, but after checking them, she analyzed exactly what was the problem I had with each different types of questions I got wrong.


SAT Student Review (Miami | Florida)

I like that I was able to improve my SAT score and also understand what I did wrong. The SAT instructor was very fun!


SAT Student Review (Minneapolis | Minnesota)

I'm a Canadian SAT student and traveled for one-on-one SAT tutoring with Manhattan Elite Prep to prepare for the SAT. I was assigned a fantastic SAT tutor, Don, who moved at a solid pace through a lot of material. He offered good tips and I felt much more confident after my 25 hours of tutoring. The office in New York was professional and comfortable. I did 5 hours by Skype and this was also effective. Overall, an excellent experience. I would recommend to other students.


SAT Student Review (New Brunswick | New Jersey)

Craig has helped Philipp to become familiar with the problem sets of the SAT1 and to approach every SAT question both efficiently and effectively. In addition, Craig has reviewed SAT information, which Philipp had become unaccustomed to using during his everyday school life. He has also introduced a number of test taking strategies, which Philipp employes regularly now. The SAT results after sessions with Craig have improved. Craig is passionate about the English language. It has given Philipp a greater command of the language not only for the SAT, but also for the school and casual discussion.


SAT Student Review (New Haven | Connecticut)

I enjoyed all my classes. My SAT tutor Don is a good and reliable tutor, he showed me many strategies which were useful on exam.


SAT Student Review (New Orleans | Louisiana)

I like how we go through a question thoroughly and the SAT instructor explains it so that everybody understands it. The SAT instructor was able to pinpoint my weaknesses in English and Math. Through this SAT course, I know all of my faults and how to improve them.


SAT Student Review (New York)

I've learned a lot and my SAT score has improved significantly. Fred is super relate-able. He was always prepared and the SAT course materials were well covered.


SAT Student Review (Oklahoma City)

I've had one SAT session with Lindsay, and I am incredibly impressed. I am sure that by working with him, I will be able to achieve my goals, and feel satisfied with my performance on the SATs. Thank you for your SAT help!


SAT Student Review (Orlando | Florida)

Angus was the best SAT instructor, he has given me confidence and SAT tips to do well. He has provided me with great SAT tutoring.


SAT Student Review (Philadelphia | Pennsylvania)

I felt I was well prepared for the SAT-test. The SAT tutor was very nice and helpful. She was also flexible with the location and time of the classes. Overall, I was very satisfied with the SAT program and would recommend it to other people.


SAT Student Review (Pittsburgh | Pennsylvania)

I would rate my SAT preparation with Manhattan Elite Prep as very good. My SAT sessions with Lucy were very well organized with very flexible timings. What made me choose Manhattan Elite Prep over their competitors were their SAT instructors

- Michael

SAT Student Review (Phoenix | Arizona)

This is to confirm that Moses has now completed the 10 hours of SAT math tutoring arranged by you with Matt to our complete satisfaction. The objective was to review Moses' SAT math skills and undertake refresher work in areas where gaps were identified.  This objective has been fully accomplished and we have concluded that there is no requirement for Moses to actually take the SAT tests or seek additional tutoring assistance at this time. I commend you for the professional way in which Manhattan Elite handled the arrangements.


SAT Student Review (Portland | Oregon)

I feel like I have learned some new SAT skills. Yes. I feel like I learned a lot of useful SAT skills, and improved.


SAT Student Review (Providence | Rhode Island)

Effective SAT tutoring! All my SAT questions were well-answered by Marc, and he prepared additional SAT material that was useful in improving my SAT skills as well. Marc always remained very patient, even when I messed up more than a couple of times. The best part of Manhattan Elite Prep is their articulate and patient SAT tutors.


SAT Student Review (Raleigh | North Carolina)

I would rate both this SAT course and the SAT instructor as excellent, a 5 out of 5. I found my SAT instructor very effective. All SAT topics & material were well-covered. The SAT course material was excellent as well. So is your administrative support. I would rate my SAT instructor in each area as follows: Clarity: 5 (excellent); Speaking Volume: 5 (excellent); Teaching Ability: 5 (excellent); Knowledge of Subject: 5 (excellent); Responsiveness to Questions: 5 (excellent); Accuracy: 5 (excellent); Facilitation of Discussion: 5 (excellent). I chose Manhattan Elite Prep over your competitors based on your SAT curriculum.


SAT Student Review (Salt Lake City | Utah)

This is to confirm that Moses has now completed the 10 hours of SAT math tutoring arranged by you with Matt to our complete satisfaction. The objective was to review Moses' SAT math skills and undertake refresher work in areas where gaps were identified.  This objective has been fully accomplished and we have concluded that there is no requirement for Moses to actually take the SAT tests or seek additional tutoring assistance at this time. I commend you for the professional way in which Manhattan Elite handled the arrangements.


SAT Student Review (San Diego | California)

The SAT prep program was most convenient and very well run. The SAT instructor Don was particularly organized and explained each question in great detail. The SAT class sizes were small enough to allow all to participate on the SAT online session. The staff at MEP were very helpful in rescheduling any missed sessions, with prior intimation. All in all, a very good experience and good value as well. Definitely recommend as a way to get your SAT prep kick started in the right direction.

-A student from our SAT Preparation Class

SAT Student Review (San Francisco | California)

Christine goes into detail with every problem. I left this SAT course with new SAT material learned and easier ways to solve problems, which helped me out a lot. With the SAT material I learned here I was able to improve my SAT math test scores.


SAT Student Review (San Jose | California)

Adam did a great job as an SAT tutor. He was on time, professional, and well-prepared. Genesa's SAT reading went from 660 to 750! Her SAT writing score went from 640 to 680. I am very pleased with Adam's SAT tutoring and would recommend him to anyone considering SAT prep.


SAT Student Review (Santa Cruz | California)

I've learned a lot and my SAT score has improved significantly. Fred is super relate-able. He was always prepared and the SAT course materials were well covered.


SAT Student Review (Santa Monica | California)

Overall, I would rate this SAT course a 4/5 meaning very good! All SAT topics and material were well-covered . The SAT course material was excellent. I chose Manhattan Elite Prep over others because of its reputation.


SAT Student Review (Seattle | Washington)

Jeff was enthusiastic and made things clear and related things to real life. The SAT course was very helpful! I don’t think I would’ve improved my SAT reading skills without it. This SAT course also gave me strategies to break down a reading. I got a feel for the SAT and was able to practice in areas I struggled in.


SAT Student Review (Stamford | Connecticut)

I felt I was well prepared for the SAT-test. The SAT tutor was very nice and helpful. She was also flexible with the location and time of the classes. Overall I was very satisfied with the SAT program and would recommend it to other people.


SAT Student Review (St. Louis | Missouri)

Kristina was my SAT tutor for SAT private tutoring and she was very good! She tried very hard to make the SAT questions clear to me.


SAT Student Review (Tampa | Florida)

The SAT course was really effective and I would suggest your SAT courses to anyone who is having trouble with SATs.

-A student from our SAT Preparation Course

SAT Student Review (Toronto | Canada)

I like the amount of attention given to the topic and the SAT instructor helped very much. She did a great job! My score on my diagnostic SAT went up 260 points!


SAT Student Review (Washington | DC)

Both Don and Frederic were excellent SAT instructors. 5/5s across the board!


SAT Student Review (West Palm Beach | Florida)

I am doing very well. Craig is a great SAT tutor, I really like the SAT sessions.

-A student from our SAT Preparation Class

SAT Student Review (Woodland Hills | California)

Jeff was able to break down difficult SAT material. I was able to destruct and master the basic things I would need to get a good score on the SAT.
