Geometry Tutoring (In-Person & Online)

Geometry is about finding basic laws of nature through shapes and lines. Even though you may not be aware of the vast significance of geometry principles, you probably use it every day. From playing pool to performing gymnastics to devising football formations, geometry plays a huge, if somewhat secretive, role in our daily lives.

The geometry tutors at Manhattan Elite Prep are specifically trained and educated to increase student interest in underlying mathematical principles. By utilizing applicable, current examples and engaging teaching methodologies, our tutors make the subject easier for students to grasp and incorporate into their own experiences. To ensure that each student has the best opportunity to succeed with the highest possible test scores, our geometry tutors follow each student’s growth trajectory throughout every step of the process. All of the tutoring supplemental materials are aligned with the course curriculum, which not only provides the student with extra practice, but also gives the tutor more insight into the child’s specific strengths and weaknesses.

Our geometry tutors offer flexibility in their tutoring schedule, as they will work around your busy schedule to accommodate the best timing for each student. Throughout the tutoring process, the geometry instructor will provide free in depth, progress reports that detail the student’s strengths and weaknesses. These comprehensive reports will be available at multiple points throughout the course of the tutoring (daily, weekly or monthly, depending on the parent/student request).

We are confident that our tutors will be able to boost any student’s test scores in the classroom. We guarantee at least a one full letter increase in your final grade! For more information on geometry tutoring, please don’t hesitate to email us at

Geometry Tutoring Subjects:

  • Angles and Lines
  • Triangles and Quadrilaterals
  • Similarity
  • Circles and Polygons
  • Surface Area and Volume
  • Advanced Triangle Applications
  • Trigonometry
  • Writing Proofs

Registration & Payment - K-12 Academic Tutoring

To register for courses and submit payments please visit the K12 Store.

For more information please email us at