Calculus Tutoring (In-Person & Online)

Calculus is an extremely complex subject that many students have difficulty grasping. In addition, Calculus is often a required course for undergraduate collegiate degrees. Thus, in order to obtain a diploma, one must tackle and defeat the study of change. Yet, there is no need to fret over pesky integrals and demeaning derivatives, we have experienced calculus tutors. To assist you in your mathematical endeavors, our tutors will work with you at any level of experience. Whether you possess a thorough understanding of calculus or not, our tutors will work with you personally in order to get you smoothly to the next step.

The calculus tutors at Manhattan Elite Prep will show you how to unlock the secrets limits and put some of the fun back in functions. The academic tutors are adept at providing the specialized assistance that many students need to make vast improvements in calculus. The calculus tutoring curriculum here at Manhattan Elite Prep, spans a myriad of topics that can include propositional, predicate, relational, and lambda multivariable calculus.

We are confident that our tutors will be able to boost any student’s test scores in the classroom. We guarantee at least a one full letter increase in your final grade! For more information on calculus tutoring, please don’t hesitate to email us at

Calculus Tutoring Subjects:

  • Graphing
  • Limits of Functions
  • Continuity of Functions
  • Derivatives
  • Integrals
  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • Antidifferentiation

Registration & Payment - K-12 Academic Tutoring

To register for courses and submit payments please visit the K12 Store.

For more information please email us at