Get Started with Basic Information about Our GMAT Courses

Why should I prepare for the GMAT?

Studies indicate that applicants who prepare for the GMAT score substantially higher than those who don't. In addition to the admissions process, GMAT scores are also considered in the process of awarding financial assistance to students. A good GMAT score can save you thousands of dollars in tuition.

What is the difference between preparing with books/CDs/online material and participating in your course?

We are frequently asked about the advantages of preparing with us rather than with books, CDs and online resources, which are available in countless numbers and great volume. We readily admit that you can prepare well with such materials. We believe that everyone who takes our course will receive a higher score within a shorter preparation time period than if they study exclusively with books, CDs and online resources. In sum, preparing for the GMAT with our course has the following major advantages:

We offer tips & tricks, not readily available in common test preparation literature.No book or CD or online material will answer your questions, walk you through the most efficient means of getting the right answer, or grade your analytical writing assessments upon your request.Visualization and discussion in a seminar environment will enable you to recognize complex structures better than learning the same material in a non-interactive way.The priceless opportunity to talk to actual individuals who have been admitted to an Ivy League Universities offers you the insights you can gain nowhere else.You will be more motivated and have more fun during the preparation!

I have studied mathematics/physics. Should I still take the course?

Although some of the standard quantitative techniques we teach might be repetitive for you, many parts of the course focus on more advanced and lesser-known techniques to increase the accuracy of your answers, in particular for the Data Sufficiency section. In addition, our course contains many aspects commonly neglected in the studies of mathematics at universities.