MBA (Business School) Essay Review

Essays are important. It is in your essays that you are able to explain yourself. All the time you spent thinking about why you want to attend Business school and why you feel ready to do this now will pay off in the essays.

Manhattan Elite Prep's MBA admissions consulting team can offer you expert advice on essays and the business school application process.

We recommend the following method of tackling your essay:

  1. Match yourself to the school.
  2. Determine what the question is asking.
  3. Consider how to answer the question: Brainstorm.
  4. Organize. Select the aspects of yourself to emphasize and back them up with examples / stories / anecdotes from your experience. Put this information into an outline format that you find comfortable
  5. Write the essay, paying attention to format
  6. Revise your essay
  7. Proofread and ask others to do the same

The guidelines around which we suggest engaging in the essay writing process are the following:

  • Convince your reader
  • Distinguish yourself
  • Demonstrate sincerity
  • Write in a fashion that keeps the reader's attention

To do this we suggest the following:

  1. Select different and unique, but honest experiences. You may want to expand upon an experience to make it seem more unique. Try to select those experiences that make you a unique candidate.
  2. Convey your experience honestly. The admissions committee will notice the difference between extreme embellishment and sincerity and depth.
  3. It is in your writing that you have the opportunity to demonstrate your personality. One important way of doing this is through your style. Within your essays you want to continue to keep the reader's attention. Try to use the 1st person singular, use "I" and avoid "we". Avoid using the passive voice as well as 'to be' verbs.

In an admissions application, the essay is an opportunity to distinguish yourself as a unique candidate and present your own voice to an admissions board. An effective essay will convince the reader of your worth and potential, while a poorly-crafted essay could be the one thing standing between you and acceptance.

Anyone can review an essay and correct it for grammar, syntax, and usage. Our admissions consultants tailor their work to each individual and their background, crafting the perfect essay for each school you apply to. They specialize in making sure that your essay presents you as a well-rounded individual while creating a tone that resonates with whomever should read it. We offer services from hourly assistance for writer's block and brainstorming sessions, to comprehensive essay reviews that offer step-by-step advice to maximize your essay's promise. Work with Manhattan Elite Prep and Get Into Your Dream School.

MBA (Business School) Resume Review

An admissions resume is much different from the one you use for a job. Your admissions officer prioritizes skill-sets and experiences differently than a potential employer might, which makes it paramount that you present yourself vis-a-vis your resume accordingly. Our consultants have seen hundreds of resumes and know the stylistic and reformatting nuances that will make yours stand out, ultimately setting you apart from the field. Work with them to ensure that your resume complements your essay and application seamlessly.


MBA (B-School) Application - Essay Themes, Topics & Questions

What is Special About You?

  • Introduce yourself
  • Describe yourself
  • Most significant accomplishment/s
  • What are you most passionate about?
  • What matters most to you?
  • What do others admire about you?
  • What figure do you most admire?
  • A surprising fact about you
  • Personal development

Career - General

  • Career experience
  • Presentation
  • Current position
  • Short-term career goals
  • Career vision
  • Alternatives to you career goals
  • Additional information you would like admissions officers to know about

Career - Leadership & Teamwork

  • Innovation & creativity
  • Inspirational leader
  • Leadership and ethics
  • Leadership and team skills
  • Leadership experience
  • Left an impact
  • Convincing others
  • Motivating others
  • A part of a team
  • A time when you developed a team

Life Experiences - General

  • Event/s that influenced you
  • Life experience that has shaped you
  • A person/event/experience that has shaped your life
  • Culture shock
  • Club/community event
  • Academic experience
  • Practical experience vs. theory
  • Internal experience

Life Experiences - Challenges

  • A mistake you've made
  • Describe a failure
  • A risk you have taken
  • Challenging experience/s (most difficult time in your life)
  • A time when you were frustrated or disappointed
  • A part of a team (failure)
  • Made a decision with partial information
  • Professional challenge
  • Experiences during which you went beyond the established

School and MBA Application Specific

  • Why MBA?
  • Visit to campus
  • What steps have you taken to learn about our school and program?
  • Fit with school/program/class
  • What can you contribute to the class?
  • How have you strengthened your application?

Hypothetical Questions

  • I wish I was asked...
  • If you could change one thing you've done what would it be?
  • Imagine a life entirely different than yours, what would it be?
  • What would you ask the president?
  • Compose your campaign speech

Admissions Consulting Services at a Glance

Essay & Resume Review

  • Single Essay at $150 (up to 800 words), Mini Pack at $200 (Resume & Essay (800 Words or Less) or 2 Essays of 250 Words Each)
  • Essay Review for all essays & resume for 1 school at $450 or for 2 schools at $800;
  • Each additional school: $350
  • Cost of each set of additional 800 words in the same essay: $50; *3 day rush +$75; Weekend Rush +$100
  • Includes grammar & style review, advice on theme & content, 3 exchanges per essay, 5-7 turn around time

A la Carte Services (Special Topics)

  • Application Strategy - Work with our consultants to devise the most effective application strategy that gets you into your top-choice school. ($150/hr, 2 hrs. minimum)
  • Mock Interview - Work with our consultants to prepare for anticipated questions to be expected during an interview. Appropriate for college, graduate (MBA/JD/Masters' Degrees) and jobs. ($150/hr, 2 hrs. minimum)
  • Case Interview - Case interview questions tend to coalesce around specific topics relating to a firm's outlook, such as operational concerns, government regulation, or its market share in relation to the market's size. Prepare first with our consultants to maximize your chances of landing the assignment. ($150/hr, 2 hrs. minimum)

Dedicated Packs

  • Dedicated Pack - Includes Personal Assessment; School Selection; Defining Objectives/Goals; Plan Application Roadmap; Application Assistance; Concise Selection of Profound Experiences; Formation of Compelling Resume; Convincing Essays (Unlimited exchanges/edits); Persuasive Recommendation Letters; Refine your Application; Mock Interviews; Scholarship/Loan Applications; Acceptance and Preparation; Waitlist/Deferral Strategy; Re-application Strategy.
  • 1 School - $1900; 2 Schools - $2800; 3 Schools - $3700; 4 Schools - $4600; 5 Schools - $5400

Elite Packs

  • Elite Pack - In addition to everything included in Dedicated Pack, it includes: Guaranteed to work with our most experienced and successful elite consultants; 7 day per week access to elite consultant via Skype/Zoom/WebEx; Prompt turnaround; Access to the most recent database of essays, recommendations, resumes; Unlimited interview preparation; Exclusive strategy session for getting noticed when visiting school or attending information sessions; Live online sessions via Zoom/WebEx where both parties can annotate any documents and share a whiteboard; Unlimited access to the live Zoom/WebEx online recordings related to your application.
  • 1 School: $4000 - 2 Schools: $5000 - 3 Schools: $6000 - 4 Schools: $7000 - 5 Schools: $8000

Special Admissions Packs

  • Rejection Analysis Pack - Includes application review, consultation and guidance with our education expert to identify issues & evaluate weaknesses in rejected applications and plan next steps and additional follow-up analysis
  • Waitlist Strategy Pack - Includes application review, consultation and guidance with our education expert to evaluate weaknesses in a waitlisted application, and make recommendations for interim period, and additional follow-up analysis to dramatically increase chances of acceptance
  • Scholarship Application Review Pack - Our consultants will help you identify specific scholarships to apply for, work with you to identify strengths that correlate with the stated objectives of the scholarship and review the applications to ensure your chance of receiving the scholarship is as high as possible



Special Admissions Pack Payment


MBA Admissions Student Review

For my admission essays, my consultant provided his expertise on editing and structural arrangement of ideas and helped me product finished final products. I received admissions from both my dream schools which are top tier schools. Today, as I decide to join one of them. I cannot thank Craig enough for his services. He is very experienced and uses his experience to guide user on the right track as far as the flow of the essay is concerned. Well, this is besides the excellent editing skills he has. Thanks Craig! -Eric

To register or for more information please email us at more recent admissions success stories, please visit Student Admissions Testimonial page.

Essay & Resume Review Packs Comparison

  Single Essay Mini-Pack Basic Pack Advanced Pack  
Service 1 Essay, 800 Words or Less Resume & Essay (800 Words or Less) or 2 Essays of 250 Words Each) All Essays & Resume for 1 School All Essays & Resume for 2 Schools  
Price $150 $200 $450 $800  
Grammar & Style Review  
Advice on Theme & Content  
Exchanges* Per Essay 3 3 3 3  
Turnaround Time** 5-7 Days 5-7 Days 5-7 Days 5-7 Days  
Cost for Additional School - - $350 $350  
Cost for additional 800 words in same essay $50 $50 - -  

*Three Exchanges include either phone calls, email exchanges or a combination; **3 day rush + $75; Weekend Rush +$100

Admissions Consulting Registration & Payment

For more recent admissions success stories, please visit Student Admissions Testimonial page.

For more information please email us at admissions(at)

To make payments for our Admissions Consultation Services, please visit our Admissions Consulting Page.